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Email:xgluo0310@hotmail.com; xgluo@wit.edu.cn




2007- 2010 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,高分子化学与物理,博士

2004- 2007 金沙检测线路js95,化学工艺-精细化工,硕士

1998– 2002 金沙检测线路js95,化学工艺-分析化学,学士


2018.6- 至今我校化学工程与技术 学科带头人 教授

2012.7- 至今金沙检测线路js95化学工程与技术 特聘教授

2010- 2012 加拿大圭尔夫大学植物农业学院BDDC实验室(College ofPlant Agriculture, University of Guelph,Canada) 博士后

























56.Xia, J.; Yang, Y.; Jiang, X.; Mohd, S.; Luo, X. *. ACSApplied Polymer Materials 2022, 4(1), 469-478.

55. Zhang,H.; Ren, Q.; Mohd, S.; Yang, C.; Li, J.; Pei, Y.; Luo, X. *.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2021, 346, 130435.

54. Xiao,J.; Qiao, R.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, X. *.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2021, 46 (1), 31-40.

53. Xiao,J.; Cai, D.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, X. *.Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 886, 161180.

52. Wu,S.; Gong, Y.; Liu, S.; Pei, Y.; Luo, X. *.Carbohydrate Polymers 2021, 254, 117421.

51. Nie,C.; Shen, T.; Hu, W.; Ma, Q.; Zhang, J.; Hu, S.; Tian, H.; Wu, H.; Luo, X. *;Wang, J., Carbohydrate Polymers 2021, 262, 117902.

50.Gong, Y.; Mohd, S.; Wu, S.; Liu, S.; Pei, Y.; Luo, X. *.ACS Omega 2021, 6 (4), 2734-2741.

49 Gong,Y.; Liu, L.; Wang, F.; Pei, Y.; Liu, S.; Lyu, R.; Luo, X.*. Journalof Molecular Liquids2021, 116407.

48.Yu, Y.; Liu, S.; Pei, Y.; Luo, X.*. InternationalJournal of Biological Macromolecules2021,166, 1419-1428.

47.Yang, J.;Luo, X.*.AppliedSurface Science2021, 542, 148724.

46.Yang, C.; Yuan, J.; Guo Y.; Luo, X.*. Cellulose2021, 28(1), 1-16.

45.Xiao, J.; Qiao, R.; Zhang, Y.;Luo,X.*.International Journal of HydrogenEnergy2020, 46(1):31-40.

44.Wu, S.; Gong, Y.; Liu, S.; Pei, Y.; Luo, X.*. CarbohydratePolymers 2021, 254(22), 117421.

43.Gong Y.; Mohd S.; Wu S.; Liu S.; Pei Y.; Luo,X.*. ACS Omega2021,6(4):2734-2741.

42.Yu, Y.; Zhu, X.; Wang, L.; Wu, F.; Luo, X.*. CarbohydratePolymers 2020, 231, 115694.

41.Yang, C.; Wang, L.; Yu, Y.; Wu, P.; Wang F.; Liu, S.; Luo,X.*. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020,149, 93-100.

40. Xie,B.; Zhang, X.; Luo, X.*;Wang, Y.; Liu, S.. Food Chemistry 2020,331, 127108.

39.Xia, J.; Lei, X.; Lu, Y.; Liu, S.; Luo, X.*.InternationalJournal of Biological Macromolecules2020, 142,404-411.

38.Wang, L.; Yang, C.; Lu A.; Liu, S.; Pei, Y.; Luo,X.*. Bioresource Technology 2020,302, 122812.

37.Liu,S.; Cheng, G.; Xiong Y.; Ding, Y.. Journal of HazardousMaterials 2020, 384, 121195-121195.

36.Li, Q.; Ma, Q.; Wu, Y.; Li, B.; Luo, X.*; Liu,S.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020,68(34), 9150-9157.

35.Jiang, X.; Xia, J.; Luo, X.*.ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering2020,8(13), 5184-5191.

34.Ahsan; H. M.; Pei, Y.;Luo,X.*;Wang, Y.;Liu, S.. FoodHydrocolloids2020, 108, 106044.

33.Xia, J.; Zhang, H.; Yu, F.; Pei, Y.; Luo, X.*.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020,12(21), 24370-24379.

32.Luo, X*.; Xia, J.; Jiang, X.; Yang, M.; Liu, S.. Analytical chemistry2019, 91(24), 15461-15468.

31. Jiang,X.; Zhu, X.; Chang, C.; Liu, S.; Luo, X*.. InternationalJournal of Biological Macromolecules 2019,139, 793-800.

30. Yu, Z.; Xiao, Y., Tian, H.;Liu, S.; Luo, X*.. Korean Journal of ChemicalEngineering2019, 36(10), 1740-1745.

29. Yu, Z.; Cai, Y.; Lu, Y.; Liu,C.; Yang, Z.; Liu, S.; Luo, X*..Environmental science and pollutionresearch, 2019 , 26(27):27677-27686.

28. Luo,X*.;Cai, Y.; Liu, L.; Zeng, J.. Cellulose2019, 26(8), 4921-4934.

27.Luo, X*.; Yu,Z.; Cai, Y.;Wu, Q.;Zeng, J..Polymers2019, 11(5), 763.

26.Luo, X*.;Cai,Y.; Liu, L.; Zhang, F.; Wu, Q.; Zeng, J.. Journal of the American OilChemists Society2019, 96(3), 319-328.

25. Cai,Y.; Liu, C.; Lu, Y.; Luo, X*.;Zeng, J.. New Journal of Chemistry2019, 43, 2966-2973.

24.Luo, X*.; Liu, L.; Wang, L.; Liu, X.; Cai, Y.. CarbohydratePolymers2019, 206, 633-640.

23. Xiao, Y.; Zheng, M.; Liu, Z.;Shi, J.; F Huang; Luo, X*.. ACS Sustainable Chemistry &Engineering2019, 7(2), 2052-2063.

22. Luo, X*; Xiao, Y; Wu, Q; Zeng, J..International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2018, 115,786-791.

21. Xu, R.; Mao, J.; Peng, N.; Luo, X*.; Chang, C.. CarbohydratePolymers 2018,188, 143-150.

20. Lei, X.; Dai, X.; Long, S.; Cai, N.; Ma,Z.; Luo, X*.. Industrial & Engineering ChemistryResearch 2017,56 (26), 7525-7533.

19. Li, W.; Zhu, Y.; Ye, F.; Li, B.; Luo, X*.; Liu, S.. FoodHydrocolloids 2017,62, 66-72.

18. Tian, H.; Yan, J.; Rajulu, A. V.; Xiang,A.; Luo, X*.. International Journal ofBiological Macromolecules2017,96, 518-523.

17. Zhang, H.; Luo, X*.. Mater SciEng C Mater Biol Appl 2017,79, 84-92.

16.Luo, X*.; Liu, C.;Yuan, J.; Zhu, X.; Liu, S.. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2017,5 (8), 6539-6547.

15.Luo, X*.; Yuan, J.;Liu, Y.; Liu, C.; Zhu, X.; Dai, X.; Ma, Z.; Wang, F.. ACS SustainableChemistry & Engineering 2017,5 (6), 5108-5117.

14.Luo, X*.; Lei, X.; Xie,X.; Yu, B.; Cai, N.; Yu, F.. Carbohydr Polym 2016,151,640-8.

13.Luo, X*.; Zhang, H.;Cao, Z.; Cai, N.; Xue, Y.; Yu, F.. Carbohydr Polym 2016,143,231-8.

12.Luo, X*.; Lei, X.; Cai,N.; Xie, X.; Xue, Y.; Yu, F.. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2016,4 (7), 3960-3969.

11. Zhang, F.; Luo, X*.. IndustrialCrops and Products 2015,77, 175-179.

10.Luo, X*.; Zeng, J.;Liu, S.; Zhang, L.. Bioresour Technol 2015,194, 403-6.

9.Luo, X. G.; Mohanty, A.; Misra, M..Industrial Crops and Products 2013,47, 13-19.

8.Luo, X. G.; Mohanty, A.; Misra, M..Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2013,298 (4),412-418.

7.Luo, X. G.; Zhang, L. N.. FoodResearch International 2013,52 (1), 387-400.

6. Luo, X. G.; Mohanty, A.; Misra, M.. Journalof the American Oil Chemists Society 2012,89 (11),2057-2065.

5. Luo, X. G.; Zhang, L. N. Biomacromolecules2010,11 (11), 2896-2903.

4. Luo, X. G.; Zhang, L. N.. Journalof Chromatography A 2010,1217 (38), 5922-5929.

3. Luo, X. G.; Ma, W. H.; Zhou, Y.;Liu, D. C.; Yang, B.; Dai, Y. N.. Nanoscale Research Letters 2010,5 (1), 252-256.

2. Luo, X. G.; Liu, S. L.; Zhou, J. P.;Zhang, L. N.. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009,19(21), 3538-3545.

1. Luo, X. G.; Zhang, L. N.. Journalof Hazardous Materials 2009,171 (1-3), 340-347.





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